Voorskoot Vygie

FVHxLM Mohair Woven Collection

*Voorskoot Vygie

Voorksoot; Afrikaans for apron. One of the oldest forms of human adornment and widely used as protective layering in everyday practices.

Vygies; Karoocentric members of the world’s largest succulent family. There are 2000 species of Vygie and 95% of them grow only in arid South Africa, mainly in the Karoo.

Voorskoot Vygie is a capsule collection of 21 one-of-a kind textile mappings based on timeless, detailed textures tapping into the unique visual nuances of the Karoo.

A collaboration between South African designers Frances van Hasselt & Leandi Mulder, this collection pays homage to vygies; The ancient, desert plant life that overcome adversity with diversity. They make up the food bed of the Karoo that bring life and colour to the plains when all else has returned to dust.

Click on image for catalogue and order details.

Photography - Ané Stydom

DOP and editor - Alison Scorgie

Creative directors - Frances & Leandi

Director - Marcus Hebbelmann

MUH - Inga Hewett

Online editor - Conley Van Der Westhuizen

Music - Gellyblik and Waldon Paul

Titles - Derrick Pitts